Atividades 2ºs A,B,C,D e F- Games: Latitude & Longitude



                           ROTEIRO DE ATIVIDADES

                 Atividades escolares à distância  do 3º Bimestre – 2020

Disciplina: Inglês     Professora: Cláudia Gaspar Barros Machado
Série/Ano: 2ºs A,B,C,D e F- EM
Período da Atividade:  14   a  21/08/20  * Tempo de duração da atividade: 2 aulas/sala

Habilidades: Inferir o significado de palavras por meio da análise de sua estrutura e de comparação com a língua portuguesa.
Identificar as situações de uso de verbos modais should, must, might.

Explicação sobre a atividade:

Os alunos assistiram às aulas do Centro de Mídias SP, realizaram as atividades propostas, respondendo as atividades solicitadas via chat e as colocando no caderno também.

Objetivo:What is the objective?
You must sink your opponent’s ships before they sink yours.

Link caderno do aluno: 

  • How do you start a game?

Characteristics of modal verbs:
  • They are the same for all persons;
  • They come before the subject in questions;
  • The negative is formed with MODAL + NOT


must not = mustn’t



should not = shouldn’t



might not


  • You must follow the rules when you play a game.
  • You should plan your strategy before the game starts.
  • You might change your strategy during the game.
Read the first part of the text (P. 110). Underline the cognates words

The lines of latitude and longitude comprise an imaginary grid that has been placed over the globe; 
The lines that run across the grid (the flat lines) are lines of latitude. The Equator is an example of latitude line. The Equator is the latitude line that divides Earth into two hemispheres (since it is the 0 point in latitude): the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Latitude lines North from the Equator are referred to as North latitude; and latitude lines South from the Equator are referred to as South latitude; 

ão Paulo Faz Escola, 2020. Caderno do Aluno, 2º ano EM, vol. 3, p. 110

  • Complete the mind map about LATITUDE.
Read the second part of the text (P. 110). Underline the cognate words.

Each latitude or longitude degree contains 60 minutes, and each latitude minute contains 60 seconds; 
The lines that run up and down on the grid (the tall lines) are longitude lines. The longitude lines are also called meridians. The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England, is the longitude line that divides Earth into two hemispheres (since it is the 0 point of longitude): the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere. Longitude lines East from the Prime Meridian are referred to as East longitude; longitude lines West from the Prime Meridian are referred to as West longitude.

São Paulo Faz escola, 2020. Caderno do Aluno, 2º ano EM, vol. 3, p. 110

What’s next?

What places would you like to visit? Do you know where they are located?
Do some research on the Internet and try to find their exact location. (Latitude & Longitude)
Share information about these places with your classmates. (Use social networking. Stay home!)

Today we...

talked about games: Battleship;
learned how to use modals: MUST, SHOULD, MIGHT;
created a mind map about Latitude & Longitude.


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